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Memories of Lenore

Rare Mid-1800s Victorian Mourning Swivel Brooch w/ Carved Stag Antler

Rare Mid-1800s Victorian Mourning Swivel Brooch w/ Carved Stag Antler

Regular price $225.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $225.00 CAD
Sale Sold out

This large and beautiful brooch was made in the mid-1800s, designed in pinchbeck with a gorgeous ribbon-like border and flourish details. When the pin is opened, the central oval swivels, revealing on one side a carved stag antler, on the other, an ambrotype photograph of a long lost lover, both protected under glass. Professionally cleaned and serviced, it is in excellent condition considering its age, and would make a striking and unique addition to any jewelry collection. 2.25" (5.5cm)L x 2" (5cm)W x 1/2" (10mm)D, $225

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